
one of the most useless useful discord bots


that... that's it?

invite personbot

or don't, it's not like i'll ever know.

okay, fine, it just does the stuff my website does, but in your discord server. i'm too lazy to add anything new.

customize personbot

run /update to generate the slash commands for your guild based on the permissions defined below. (if @everyone has a permission, personbot will have it too)

your custom invite link:
enabledpermission / commanddescription
administrator required by nothing
view audit log required by nothing
view server insights required by nothing
manage server required by nothing
manage roles required by nothing
manage channels required by nothing
kick members required by nothing
ban members required by nothing
create instant invite required by nothing
change nickname required by nothing
manage nicknames required by nothing
manage emojis and Stickers required by nothing
manage webhooks required by nothing
read messages / view channels required by nothing
manage events required by nothing
moderate members required by nothing
send messages required by nothing
create public threads required by nothing
create private threads required by nothing
send messages in threads required by nothing
send tts messages required by nothing
manage messages required by nothing
manage threads required by nothing
embed links
attach files required by nothing
read message history required by nothing
mention everyone required by nothing
use external emojis required by nothing
use external stickers required by nothing
add reactions required by nothing
use slash commands required by nothing
connect to voice channels required by nothing
speak in voice channels required by nothing
stream in voice channels required by nothing
mute members required by nothing
deafen members required by nothing
move members required by nothing
use voice activity required by nothing
priority speaker required by nothing